WIndows 8

New Microsoft OS.

Majalah PC

"Majalah Pc" is Malay version of ICT magazine that have many useful information about computer.

LiveWatch V

Telefon Pintar sebagai Jururawat.

Bitdefender Antivirus and Internet Security 2013 software and key

You can download for free. The key is cheap.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Virtual Reality

What is Virtual Reality?

[an] experience ... in which the user is effectively immersed in a responsive virtual world.

Elements of VR

1. virtual world (VW) : A VW is the content of a given medium

2. Immersion : sensation of being in an environment.

3. Sensory Feedback : user to select their vantage point by positioning their body and to effects in the virtual world

4. interactivity : An act that responds to user actions.