Saturday 16 June 2012

Programming Language


An artificial and formal language that has a limited vocabulary consisting of set of keywords for making up instruction and a set of precise grammar rules 

* Special Purpose :
   designed for a particular class of application : SQL data retrieval 

* General Purpose:
   can be used to obtain solutions for many different types of problem (machine language, assembly language and high level language) 

Machine Language 

- the only language the processor actually understand
- consist of binary codes: 0 and 1
- Ex: 1101 0001 1000 0101 1000 0110 1111 0001
- each of the lines above corresponds to a specific task to be done by the processor
- programming in machine code is difficult and slow since it is difficult to memorize all the instructions.     Mistakes can happen very easily 
- Processor dependent and not portable 

Assembly Language 

- enable machine code to be represented in words and numbers
- example of a program in assembly language:
   LOAD A, 9999
   LOAD B, 8282
- cannot be processed directly by a computer, must be converted to machine language using assemblers
- easier to understand compared to machine code but still is quite difficult to use
- each instruction corresponds to a specific machine code : lengthy programs
- processor dependent and not portable 

High Level Language 

- use more English word and numbers - it easier to understand
- the programming structure is problem oriented = does not need to know how the computer actually 
   execute the instructions
- processor independent - the same code can be run on different processors
- high level languages must be converted into machine code to be executed by the processor.
- example : FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, Ada, C, C++, Java


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